Oakwood Bowl about us - Oakwood Bowl


All prices are Per Game and Per Person! Subject to Change.
Monday - Friday
  • 11:00am - 5:00pm: $4.50
  • 5:00pm - Close: $6.50
  • 11:00am - 1:00pm: $5.50
  • 1:00pm - 1:00am: $6.50
  • 12pm - 1:00pm: $3.75
  • 1:00pm - 5:00pm: $6.50
  • 5:00pm - Close: $5.50


Oakwood Bowl
The History of O.G. "Jack" Tate and his bowling alleys in Enid, OK
Oakwood Bowl
The Enid Daily Eagle - Saturday, December 12, 1959

Photo text: Complete Arrangements--A lease agreement was signed Friday completing arrangements for construction and leasing of a new 20-lane bowling alley in Enid at North Van Buren and West Palm. Valued at a total of about a quarter-million dollars, the building will be built, and leased by Munger Development Corp. to Trail Lanes Inc. Signing the agreement are (seated, left to right) Garry Munger, president of Munger Development, and O.G. Tate, president of Trail Lanes. Standing are (left to right) Frantz Conrad, Jr., attorney and secretary t reasurer of the Munger firm, and Glen Hamous, secretary, and C.W. "Hoss" Wheeler, vice president of Trail Lanes.

$100,000 New Bowling Alley Slated Here

Enid will have a new, larger bowling alley and sufficient facilities to attract large bowling tournaments
as results of arrangements completed Friday.

Officials of the Munger Development Co. and Trail Lanes Inc. Friday signed papers for a
l ease agreement of a $100,000 building to be constructed and leased by
t he Munger firm to Trail Lanes for a 20-lane bowling alley. Garry Munger, president of the firm,
said the building would be "in excess" of that figure.

O.G. Tate, president of Trail Lanes said his firm would equip the building with bowling
facilities valued at about $100,000. The alley will be named Shamrock Bowl and be located at 2001 North
Van Buren on the corner of West Palm, facing west on Van Buren. It will have off-street parking
for more than 100 automobiles.

Munger said the building will be designed by Tom Rogers, architect, and built by the Munger Emmons
construction firm. He said plans will probably be completed by the first of the year and construction ended by
April or May. The bowling alleys are expected to be opened by June.

In addition to the 20 lanes, fitted with automatic pin spotters, the building will also house a snack bar
and similar facilities. Tate's firm presently operates the Trail bowling alley on South Jackson, which has 18 lanes.
When the new bowling alley brings the total Enid facilities to 38, officials feel Enid will be able
to offer sufficient facilities for large tournaments.

The new bowling alley will be built of the North Van Buren highway, on one of the access roads, on
a large plot owned by the development firm. Monger said this will be the first of a large development there.
However, he said plans for the rest of it are presently indefinite.

Present for signing of the agreement yesterday were Munger and Frantz Conrad Jr., attorney and
secretary-treasurer of the Munger firm; and Tate, C.W. "Hoss" Wheller, vice president; Glen Hamous,
secretary, and Frank Carter, attorney for Trail Lanes.

In 2006, the Enid News and Eagle did an article on Oakwood Bowl.

After 60 years Jack Tate still is in the bowling alley business.

IIn 2011, the Enid News and Eagle did another article on Oakwood Bowl. Bowling Bash.

This year a third article was writen by ENE titled: Scholarship program helps road to college for youth bowlers

Oakwood Bowl

If you come to Oakwood Bowl you can see the Wall of Awards and Memorabilia showing the history of Oakwood Bowl.

In the summer of 2013, Oakwood Bowl got a facelift including new seating as well as other improvements. To this day, we are consistently looking for ways to improve Oakwood Bowl to revitalize interest in bowling for all ages.